Who we are?

We are a christian church made up of very diverse people from different backgrounds. Each of us has experienced God's love in a personal and individual way. We want to share this love with other people. We respect and value everyone, regardless of origin, nationality, mentality, or social status. It is important to us to look for what connects us and we expressly welcome international and intercultural differences in our community. We enjoy fellowship in prayer but also through conversations, meals, and games. We would like to warmly invite you to our church services and to spend time together with coffee and cake. Be warmly welcome!

What is important to us?


We believe that the Bible is the living and infailing Word of God and is just as relevant and powerful today as it was 2000 years ago. The Bible is the basis of our teaching and we try to live by it.


Relationships are fundamental to every human being. Therefore, it is important for us to cultivate community. We want to be there for one another and experience God together.

prayer and praise

Prayer is communication with God. He hears us when we talk to him, and he is a God who answers prayer. In our times of worship, we give God our full attention and devotion.

Christian Family Church

is a family in which people like to come together to experience community and strengthening; a place where you can be who you are; a place where joy and sorrow can be shared; a place where faith in Jesus Christ can grow. All of this is Christian Family Church for us. This is our family.


Our team would love to connect with you and answer any questions you may have.

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